%0 Journal Article %T Correla£¿£¿es entre as concentra£¿£¿es de nutrientes, alum¨ªnio e s¨®dio nas folhas de "Coast Cross no 1" e a an¨¢lise f¨ªsica e qu¨ªmica de um Latossolo vermelho amarelo II: Concentra£¿£¿o de nitrog¨ºnio e f¨®sforo %A Hass %A Fernando Jos¨¦ %A Haag %A Henrique Paulo %J Anais da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz %D 1991 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S0071-12761991000100015 %X correlation studies were carried out among nutrient concentrations in leaf of "coast cross no 1" grass and chemical characteristicas of a latossolo vermelho amarelo (typic acrortox) soil at jaguariuna, state of sao paulo, brazil. the leaves were dried and analysed for n, p, by convencional methods. soil samples were dried and analysed by the following methods: soil water ph; soil ph (0.01 m cacl2); organic matter content by wet digestion; p, k, s, b, cu, fe, mn, zn and na by double acid extration; p by ionic exchange resin in water; ca, mg and al by solution of 1 n kcl. the authors observed: - leaf nitrogen concentration presents negative correlation with p and k, and positive correlation with mn and s in the soil. - leaf concentration presents negative correlation with ca, and zn. - leaf potassium concentration presents negative correlation whit ca, and zn. - leaf potassium concentration presents negative correlation with silt. %K n %K p %K coast cross %K correlation %K soil analyses %K typic acrortox soil. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0071-12761991000100015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en