%0 Journal Article %T "Mate um nordestino afogado": an¨¢lise cr¨ªtica de um artigo da revista ¨¦poca %A Oliveira %A Luciano Amaral %J Linguagem em (Dis)curso %D 2011 %I Unisul - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina %R 10.1590/S1518-76322011000200008 %X this essay brings the critical analysis of the discourse constructed by ruth de aquino in the text o preconceito das mayaras (mayaras'prejudice), published in ¨¦poca magazine immediately after the second term of the presidential election in 2010, won by dilma rousseff. initially, some considerations are made about the explicit dissemination of prejudice through texts published in this century and in the last century. after that, the analysis of aquino's text is carried out based on her thematic, syntactic and semantic choices. the objectives of this essay are to contribute to the reflections on the dissemination of racial prejudice through texts that circulate publicly and to contribute to the production of texts in the area of critical discourse analysis in brazil. %K critical analysis %K prejudice %K racism. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1518-76322011000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en