%0 Journal Article %T Esp¨¦cies e abundancia de cigarrinhas e psil¨ªdeos (Homoptera) em pomares c¨ªtricos %A Yamamoto %A Pedro T. %A Gravena %A Santin %J Anais da Sociedade Entomol¨®gica do Brasil %D 2000 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S0301-80592000000100021 %X leafhoppers and psyllids species which occur in citrus ecosystem were studied in the sao paulo state. the capture was realized with a portable vacuum sampler. leafhoppers of the cercopidae, cicadellidae, cixiidae, delphacidae, derbidae, flatidae, fulgoridae, membracidae, nogodinidae, and psyllidae (hemiptera) family were collected. the main family was cicadellidae with 58 species of leafhopper collected. in the subfamily cicadellinae sharpshooters of the cicadellini and proconiini tribes were collected, with 17 and five species respectively. the most important sharpshooters/leafhoppers were plesiommata corniculata young, hortesia similis (walker), ciminius albolineatus (taschenberg), ferrariana trivittata (signoret), and sonesimia grossa (signoret),planicephaliuns flavicosta stal, haldorellus divergens menezes,clorotettix minimus baker, and one specie of deltocephalinae. in citrus plant, the most important species were bahita infuscata (osborn), scaphytopius hambletoni delong, and diaphorina citri kuwayama (psyllidae), but the leafhoppers which were proved as vector of the xylella fastidiosa, were not so abundant. in weeds, the most important sharpshooters/leafhoppers were h. similis, p. corniculata, h. divergens, p. brasiliensis, and one specie of deltocephalinae were considered constant, and in the citrus plant only d. citri. %K insecta %K cicadellidae %K cicadellinae %K citrus variegated chlorosis %K citrus sinensis. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0301-80592000000100021&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en