%0 Journal Article %T Campaˋa de educaci車n nutricional contra la malnutrici車n por medios de comunicaci車n masivos en Venezuela %A Landaeta-Jimenez %A Maritza %A Patiˋo %A Elij迆 %A Galicia %A Nakarith %J Anales Venezolanos de Nutrici車n %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X bengoa foundation, in alliance with farnacia saasˋred, started in 2004, a campaign of nutritional education targeted towards malnutrition( nettm), an initiative that uses tv and printed material focused towards priority issues related with malnutrition. in an opini車n related study related to malnutrition (2008) the effects of the impact in the population was analyzed, as well as the mass media institutinal messages. the messages:ˋnutrition in three colorsˋ(2006),ˋbreakfast makes a differanceˋandˋtwo are not enoughˋ(2007) and ˋvariability and wellfed personsˋ(2007) that were transmitted with high frequency in prime time tv, including pr赤vate and open channels, as well as cinema channels, and were complemented with the distribution of 7,1 million of printed material.the survey was performed in a sample of 1000 persons 18 to 60 years old in the countries“ main cities,;the results included 84,3% of recall, 71,45% of change of dietary habits. the most remenbered messages were: ˋvariability and wellfed personsˋ(68,1% /74,3%) followed by ˋbreakfast makes a diferenceˋ(45,1%/62,7%) both were perceived as very important in order to promote health.the incorporation of fruits,vegetables and breakfast generated the greatest impact. these institutional messages strengthen knowledge and modify feeding habits and preferences in food. this strategy for combating malnutrition is confirmed. %K food habits %K malnutrition %K nutritional messages %K nutrition education %K mass media %K venezuela. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0798-07522010000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en