%0 Journal Article %T Hemoglobinopat¨ªas diagnosticadas en el ¨¢rea sanitaria del Hospital Universitario Nuestra Se£¿ora de Candelaria de Santa Cruz de Tenerife durante un a£¿o %A Heras Fl¨®rez %A S. de las %A P¨¦rez Hern¨¢ndez %A L. M. %J Anales de Medicina Interna %D 2008 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4321/S0212-71992008000200003 %X objective: to describe number and type of hemoglobinopathies diagnosed in our area of reference during one year as well as the origin of these patients, to have a first contact with this pathology not characterized in our province until now. material and method: all hemoglobinopathies diagnosed in one year were reviewed, either for suspected patients, after analyzing chromatogram to quantify hemoglobin (hb) a1c or hemogram suspicious of ¦Â-thalassemia. the screening method was high pressure liquid chromatography (hplc), to identify and quantify hba2, hbs and hbc. the other variants were diagnosed at reference laboratory. results: 198 hemoglobinopathies were diagnosed, 105 after measure hba1c. the more frequent diagnoses were ¦Â-thalassemia trait and heterozygote hbs. 61.1% of patients are from canary islands, mainly from tenerife. conclusions: the high number of carriers found from canary islands, should be the start to design prospective studies on population groups, in order to know the hemoglobinopathies prevalence and to perform control and prevention official programs in the province of santa cruz de tenerife. %K hemoglobinopathies %K santa cruz de tenerife. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0212-71992008000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en