%0 Journal Article %T Mastocitosis sist¨¦mica: Revisi¨®n sistem¨¢tica %A Molina-Garrido %A M.J. %A Mora %A A. %A Guill¨¦n-Ponce %A C. %A Guirado-Risue£¿o %A M. %A Molina %A M.J. %A Molina %A M.A. %A Carrato %A A. %J Anales de Medicina Interna %D 2008 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4321/S0212-71992008000300008 %X mastocitosis is a hematologic malignance characterized by an anormal proliferation of mastocites. in a consess classification in 2001, it was distinguished between matters limited to skin and systemic matters (70% of osseous involvement and 50% of hepatomegaly). the most typical symptoms are skin lesions and systemic manifestations due to mediators secreted by tumoral cells. they are useful chemotherapy to reduce the tumoral burden and antyhystaminic to control systemic manifestations. interpheron is useful in most of systemic and local manifestations, and it is recommended to use prednisona before the use of this medication. %K systemic mastocitosis %K triptase levels %K litic and blastic bone lesions. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0212-71992008000300008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en