%0 Journal Article %T La cooperaci¨®n entre editores y bibliotecarios como estrategia institucional para la gesti¨®n de revistas cient¨ªficas %A Rozemblum %A Cecilia %A Banzato %A Guillermo %J Informaci£¿3n, cultura y sociedad %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the sustained development of publishing of scientific journals has opened a field of analysis and application of specific knowledge for librarians. working cooperatively with publishers enriches both players since, while librarians especially know the standardization and dissemination of journals, the editors focus on academic tasks, thematic relevance, relationship with authors and reviewers, peer review. the parameters of regional and international edition have strengthened themselves in recent decades from interinstitutional agreements and the publishers' acceptance, using methods of management and editing and formal criteria of evaluation of academic production. so publishers need a specialized and institutional support to accompany the process of scientific and technical development to get their magazines inserted in main core of scientific journals in each discipline. this paper examines the case of the coordinaci¨®n del ¨¢rea de publicaciones, of the biblioteca de la facultad de humanidades y ciencias de la educaci¨®n de la universidad nacional de la plata, that currently publishes over 20 journals. %K scientific journals %K visibility %K librarians %K editors %K open access. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-17402012000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en