%0 Journal Article %T Jornada"Hacia una historia de la cultura impresa en la Argentina (1810-1950)": relato de las investigaciones presentadas %A Giunti %A Graciela M. %A Contardi %A Silvia %A Parada %A Alejandro E. %J Informaci£¿3n, cultura y sociedad %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the current article constitutes a summary of the papers presented in conference"towards a history of the printed culture in argentina (1810-1950)", on the 22nd august, 2012 at the instituto de investigaciones bibliotecol¨®gicas (inibi) of the facultad de filosof¨ªa y letras of the universidad de buenos aires as part of the ubacyt project titled"history of publishing and of reading in public and institutional places. the participation of the people in the field of the printed culture in argentina" (c¨®digo 20020100200004 [01/k004] - proyectos trienales de programaci¨®n cient¨ªfica 2011-2014). %K history of the printed culture %K history of publishing %K history of reading %K conference %K argentina. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-17402012000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en