%0 Journal Article %T La Reuni¨®n del CERLALC y la contribuci¨®n de las bibliotecas p¨²blicas como agentes de desarrollo (Paipa, Boyac¨¢, Colombia) %A Parada %A Alejandro E. %J Informaci£¿3n, cultura y sociedad %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X a brief report on the activities developed during the recent meeting of librarians in paipa is described: cerlalc meeting: the contribution of the public libraries to the development of the countries. towards a research agenda. the concurrence of intentions signed when the meeting concluded is included. %K public libraries %K economic and social development %K latin america %K cerlalc. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-17402011000200009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en