%0 Journal Article %T Novos registros com uma extens£¿o da distribui£¿£¿o geogr¨¢fica de Callicebus cinerascens (SPIX, 1823) %A Sampaio %A Ricardo %A Dalponte %A Julio C %A Rocha %A Ednaldo C %A Hack %A Robson O. E %A Gusm£¿o %A Alm¨¦rio C %A Aguiar %A Kurazo M. O %A Kuniy %A Adriana A %A de Sousa e Silva Junior %A Jos¨¦ %J Mastozoolog£¿-a neotropical %D 2012 %I Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mam¨ªferos %X the ashy black titi monkey (callicebus cinerascens; primates; pitheciidae) is one of the least known neotropical primate species occurring in the aripuan£¿-roosevelt and tapaj¨®s-juruena interfluves in brazilian amazonia. its distribution limits, especially those to the east and south, remain imprecise. in this paper, based on four independent primate field sampling, we present several new occurrences in the south of the c. cinerascens' geographic distribution. the knowledge of existing primates in this area is entirely absent and these recently discovered populations are under severe threat, since the remaining habitats are highly fragmented due to the historical deforestation rates of this area. the results of this study significantly increased the number of records known to c. cinerascens, indicating a considerable extension of the geographical distribution of this taxon. %K amazonia %K inventory %K new records %K primates %K pitheciidae. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0327-93832012000100015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en