%0 Journal Article %T Compresi¨®n de se£¿ales electroencefalogr¨¢ficas epil¨¦pticas y normales %A Baz¨¢n-Prieto %A Carlos %A Blanco-Velasco %A Manuel %A C¨¢rdenas-Barrera %A Juli¨¢n %A Cruz-Rold¨¢n %A Fernando %J Ingenier£¿-a Electr£¿3nica, Autom£¿£¿tica y Comunicaciones %D 2012 %I Instituto Superior Polit¨¦cnico Jos¨¦ Antonio Echeverr¨ªa (Cujae) %X electroencephalographic signals are used in the study of various diseases, but the volumes of data generated make it difficult to process. the compression of these signals can reduce the volume of data acquired, and facilitate its handling. epilepsy is one of the most common of these diseases and the signals registered by this type of anomaly differ somewhat from the common electroencephalographic signals. this paper analyzes the performance of compressed signals containing epileptic seizures, and compares them with those that do not. it establishes a set of parameters of quality and compression to make the comparison. the result is a better quality and greater compression when the signal contains epileptic seizures. this result is associated with the synchronization that occurs in these cases and the corresponding contraction of the frequency bands with a higher content of relevant information. %K eeg compression %K subband coding %K epilepsy. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1815-59282012000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en