%0 Journal Article %T Dise£¿o de un Sensor de Flujo Vehicular basado en Lazo Inductivo %A Alp¨ªzar Arteaga %A Ernesto %A del Risco S¨¢nchez %A Arnaldo %J Ingenier£¿-a Electr£¿3nica, Autom£¿£¿tica y Comunicaciones %D 2012 %I Instituto Superior Polit¨¦cnico Jos¨¦ Antonio Echeverr¨ªa (Cujae) %X the design of a sensor of traffic flow based on inductive loop is presented in its detection variant based on frequency meter, the design process is described based in the explanation of each one of its components from the transducer until the detection algorithm, for the simulation the program matlab 9 is used and for the confirmation results are presented obtained when using the sensor proposal in the road. %K traffic flow %K inductive loop. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1815-59282012000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en