%0 Journal Article %T Modelo de Sistema de Control de Pr¨®tesis de Rodilla Transfemoral para un Ciclo de Marcha %A Floriano Batista %A Rayanne %A Abreu Garc¨ªa %A Jos¨¦ Rafael %A Fern¨¢ndez Casta£¿eda %A Feliberto %J Ingenier£¿-a Electr£¿3nica, Autom£¿£¿tica y Comunicaciones %D 2012 %I Instituto Superior Polit¨¦cnico Jos¨¦ Antonio Echeverr¨ªa (Cujae) %X this paper presents the design of a model for the control system of a knee prosthesis, in a cycle of human gait. the model is simulated through computational tools such as simulink and simmechanics, in this case, considering the biomechanical model of the pendulum double as a representation of the human leg and based on the parameters of the anthropometric. through the analysis and study of human walking normal develops a method of control and identification of the phases of the cycle of human gait, to act in the articulation of the knee with use of a transfemoral prosthesis. among the major findings, it emphasizes the achievement of a precise control of the position during the flexion of the knee, which gives it a development of the process of progress with the prosthesis very similar to the normal running. %K control %K model %K transfemoral prosthesis %K simmechanics. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1815-59282012000200006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en