%0 Journal Article %T Optimizaci¨®n del c¨¢lculo del campo electromagn¨¦tico debido a una descarga atmosf¨¦rica %A Galv¨¢n S¨¢nchez %A Ver¨®nica Adriana %A Guti¨¦rrez Robles %A Jos¨¦ Alberto %A Ortiz Muro %A V¨ªctor Hugo %A Aguilar Pe£¿a %A Osvaldo %J Ingenier£¿-a Energ£¿£¿tica %D 2013 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the induced overvoltage work out in a distribution line, due to indirect lightning discharge, needs the electromagnetic field estimation. the field calculation consumes a lot of computational resources; for this reason since 80s it is looking for some simplifications in the models to render more approachable the computation implementation of this kind of studies. heidler function is maybe the best model to represent the current of a lightning discharge, so the first simplification consist in the approach of a lightning discharge with a simple function like a double linear ramp (here called triangular) and/or a trapezoidal waveform. the second simplification concerns to the implementation of a linear interpolation ones the current overpass its maximum value, this means that the electromagnetic field is calculated step by step the first microseconds and then every ten time steps (like an example), the remain data are linearly interpolated. it is proposed here the implementation of a parabolic space interpolation to reduce the computational needed resources; the compromise is the electromagnetic field calculation in the minimum time limiting the error. the proposed simplification incorporated an additional error comparable to the one of the time linear interpolation, so it is considered that this strategy is as good as the previous one in the electromagnetic field optimum calculation. %K indirect stroke %K parabolic interpolation %K electromagnetic field optimum calculation %K distribution network %K lightning induced overvoltage. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1815-59012013000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en