%0 Journal Article %T Diagn¨®stico del proceso de comunicaci¨®n organizacional. Caso de estudio QUIMEFA %A Queris-Rojas %A M¨®nica %A Almirall-Cabrera %A Anais %A Capote-Garc¨ªa %A Lester %A Alfonso-Robaina %A Daniel %J Ingenier£¿-a Industrial %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X abstract the communication is a process that happens in any type of organization and it also involves permanently, both the employees and the users. the carried out work propose a methodology constituted by 4 steps, which is based on the decree 281, the cuban standards 3000:2007, the iso 9001:2008 standard, the continuous improvement and the function of managers as main agents of the communication inside an organization. this methodology allowed the definition of the first bases for the design of the managerial communication system in the head office of the pharmaceutical managerial group quimefa. its implementation permits to verify the elements that still make the communication deficient and a plan is created in order to correct the current communicative situation, although it is suggested the need of searching a method that allows the application of the proposed measures effectively. %K organizational communication %K diagnosis %K methodologies. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1815-59362012000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en