%0 Journal Article %T C¨¢lculo de par¨¢metros de filtros pasivos de arm¨®nicos %A P¨¦rez Abril %A Ignacio %J Ingenier£¿-a Energ£¿£¿tica %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the purpose of the harmonic filters in the electrical power systems is the avoiding the harmonic currents circulation in the network and the reduction of the voltages waveform distortion. the harmonic filters can be of passive type (composite of impedances) or active type (based on power electronic). the characteristics of passive filters can be found in the specialized bibliography. however, the equations for the filter design are not showed in all cases, which difficult the filter's components calculation and the evaluation of its stress in operation conditions. the objective of the presented work is the developing of a general procedure for the harmonic passive filters parameters calculation and the determination of the needed equations for each type of filter. besides, a matlab application that calculates the r, l and c parameters, and the stress of all the treated filters is showed. %K harmonics %K design equations %K harmonics passive filters. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1815-59012012000200006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en