%0 Journal Article %T Indios, Inmigrantes y Criollos en el Nordeste Santafesino (1860-1890): Un caso de violencia en una sociedad de frontera %A Maffucci Moore %A Javier Leandro %J Andes %D 2007 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this work intends to explain the role violence played in specific interactions and conflicts between indians, immigrants and criollos without resorting to simple victim-exploiter categories, or by glorifying or demonizing any of the groups in struggle. with this purpose in mind it intends to find out the following: the strategies that the rival groups developed to survive and communicate between themselves; the impact of the frontier situation on indian societies that were to a large extent outside the direct control of the authorities; the meaning that the frontier had for the whites, specially the immigrants, and the alternatives it opened for the indians; the bases on which coexistence was established and the role of the state in those circumstances; the influence of the legacy of previous contacts and of the immigrant's previous experiences, and how the lack of a state coercive power -that could exercise an effective control- seems to have developed very particular behavioural traits in the different actors. %K abipones %K santa fe %K frontier %K war %K xixth century. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1668-80902007000100011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en