%0 Journal Article %T Good practices for the prevention of alcohol harmful use amongst the elderly in Europe, the VINTAGE project %A Palacio-Vieira %A Jorge %A Segura %A Lidia %A Antoni %A Gual %A Colom %A Joan %A Ahlstr£¿m %A Salme %A Krnel %A Sandra Rado£¿ %A McNeill %A Andrew %A Sovinova %A Hana %A Scafato %A Emanuele %A %J Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanitš€ %D 2012 %I Kurtis srl %R 10.4415/ANN_12_03_05 %X introduction: there is a lack of information about initiatives aimed at preventing the harmful effects of alcohol amongst the elderly. objectives: one of the objectives of the vintage study was to collect the initiatives carried out in europe and review the published grey literature about this topic. methods: email-based survey addressed to researchers, professionals and policymakers, and internet search of grey literature. results: three hundred nine contacts were finally made, and 21 of the 36 collected initiatives were considered as useful in preventing the harmful use of alcohol amongst the elderly. out of the about 2900 references identified 96 were classified as relevant. conclusions: despite a growing interest, alcohol use in the elderly is not yet perceived as a major issue for prevention. %K aged %K alcohol drinking %K promotion %K prevention %K europe. %U http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0021-25712012000300005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en