%0 Journal Article %T Sociedades aldeanas tempranas en el Valle de Taf¨ª: Algunas aproximaciones desde la alfarer¨ªa %A Dlugosz %A J. C. %A Manasse %A B %A Castellanos %A M %A Ib¨¢£¿ez %A S. S. %J Andes %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X along time, the history of early villagers of the valley of taf¨ª has been built on the base of three axes: to) their establishment modality and use of the space, and some aspects of b) their economy, and c) their cosmovisi¨®n - these last ones captured in the monoliths referred in the scientific literature as " menhirs " and a mound located in the south sector of the valley -. the pottery - element diagnosis par excellence in the regional archaeology - was used in a certainly secondary way to supplement the time definition in the area. to the ends of deepening in the study of the societies early villagers of the valley of taf¨ª -with diverse cultural expressions possibly linked so much to temporary factors (modifications of order practical symbolic y/o along the time, inheritances accepted re-worked y/o and meant), functional (questions of order practical symbolic y/o, technological resolutions, expression of lists), as space (ownership to different places in the human geography and politics of the region; nets of exchange of goods) - we approach the analysis of two combined potters found fortuitously in los cuartos, in the northeast of taf¨ª of the valley %K tafi valley %K formative pottery %K morphological studies %K funcionality of pottery %K prehispanic history. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1668-80902009000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en