%0 Journal Article %T Tratamento endovascular com stent coberto de aneurisma carot¨ªdeo associado a arterite r¨¢dica %A Dias %A Emanuel %A Alves %A Gon£¿alo %A Vasconcelos %A Leonor %A Morais %A J. Arag£¿o de %A Castro %A J. Albuquerque e %A Capit£¿o %A L. Mota %J Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular %D 2011 %I Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular %X introduction: clinically significant arterial stenosis and aneurysm may result from inflamation and fibrosis induced by radiotherapy directed to an adjacent tumour. carotid artery arterioplasty and stenting (cas) have revealed as valid alternatives to carotid endarteriectomy (cea) in patients with high risk such as patients with carotid arteritis secondary to radiotherapy. however, long-term follow-up are sparse. clinical case: a 70 year-old male, with a larynx carcinoma diagnosed in 1998, submitted to a radical laryngectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy, with a transient ischaemic attack 3 months before, was admitted to our department with a stenosis superior to 70% of the active common carotid artery (cca) diagnosed by ecodoppler. also, the ipsilateral bulbus was aneurysmatic. a viabahn£¿ covert-stent was deployed by right transfemoral access under cerebral protection, covering the cca and the internal carotid artery, correcting the stenosis and also the aneurysm. follow-up at 6 months has not shown any adverse events. conclusion: covert stenting of the carotid artery is a simple, efficient and simple option for the treatment of carotid arteritis secondary to radiotherapy and without the risks associated to conventional surgery. %K radiation arteritis %K stentgrafts %K endovascular treatment. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1646-706X2011000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en