%0 Journal Article %T Identificaci¨®n de radicales y obtenci¨®n de temperatura en calentadores de agua dom¨¦sticos %A S¨¢nchez %A P %A Mendoza %A C %A Romero %A C %J Ingenier¨ªa mec¨¢nica, tecnolog¨ªa y desarrollo %D 2009 %I Sociedad Mexicana de Ingenier¨ªa Mec¨¢nica %X this work report a study oriented to the detected of radicals originated from the reactions that take place in the combustion of lp gas from burns in domestic heaters. calculations for those temperatures were also performance. this was done using data from the flame radiation evil the all of electromagnetic theory. the behavior of the different burns was determinate by comparing the radicals in the spectral finding that the manufacture of the radicals is related to the constants conditions and length of operation of equipment. this can be used to relate the environment imperfect of the flames. %K spectroscopy %K flame monitoring %K water heaters. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1665-73812009000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en