%0 Journal Article %T Deterioro de recubrimientos org¨¢nicos: Principales modelos y m¨¦todos de cuantifica %A Berm¨²dez-Casta£¿eda %A ¨¢ngela %A Casta£¿o-Gonz¨¢lez %A Juan Guillermo %A Echeverr¨ªa Echeverr¨ªa %A F¨¦lix %J Ingenier¨ªa y Desarrollo %D 2012 %I Universidad del Norte %X paints are the main protection method for atmospheric deterioration of metallic structures. their performance in service depends largely on the nature of organic coatings and environmental and meteorological factors. for these reasons, it is essential for development, selection and evaluation of paints to identify the deterioration phenomenology as well as the methods used for modeling and predicting the behavior of coatings, the preventive maintenance o replacement dates and the life time of repaired structures. in this review the main employed methods used for the modeling of such deterioration for predictive purposes are presented. %K anticorrosive paints %K models %K deterioration %K phenomenology. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0122-34612012000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en