%0 Journal Article %T Autoconcepto y percepci¨®n de pautas de crianza en ni£¿os escolares: Aproximaciones te¨®ricas %A Clerici %A Gonzalo %A Garc¨ªa %A Mar¨ªa Julia %J Anuario de investigaciones %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the objective of the present paper is to present aspects of the theoretical framework of the research project "self concept and parents' rearing practices perceived by children", which is linked to the research project ubacyt p 003 "parents' rearing practices from the children's perspective" under the direction of full professor mar¨ªa julia garc¨ªa. the research discussed here has as main objective to explore the relations between children's self perception and self evaluation and children's perception of parents' rearing practices. the spanish version of peppe ("pratiques ¨¦ducatives parentales per£¿ues par i'enfant") by fortin, cyr y ch¨¦nier (1997), which is an adaptation of the ppi questionnaire ("parental perception inventory") by hazzard, chsristensen y margolin (1983) is employed to inquire about children's perception of parental rearing practices; the spanish version of the "piers-harris children's self-concept scale" (1984), adapted and validated in chile by gorostegui (1992), is employed to explore children's self-concept. %K self concept %K children %K rearing practices. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-16862010000100065&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en