%0 Journal Article %T APORTES AL ESTUDIO PALEODIETARIO MEDIANTE EL AN¨¢LISIS DE IS¨®TOPOS ESTABLES DE ¦Ä13C Y ¦Ä15N EN RESTOS ¨®SEOS HUMANOS DE LA REGI¨®N CENTRO-ORIENTAL DEL CAUCA MEDIO %A OSORIO RAM¨ªREZ %A KATHERINE ANDREA %J Revista Colombiana de Antropolog¨ªa %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X when diet is considered as eating habits, it is a fundamental biocultural component in all societies, in particular in the pre-columbian. undertaking the reconstruction of diet can be performed by combining archaeological and bioarchaeological data to identify the use and consumption of different types of food and the relationships with other cultural (v. g., hierarchy) and demographic variables (v. g., age and sex). the aim of this study is to reconstruct the diet of eight pre-hispanic individuals from archaeological sites located in the central-eastern zone of the middle cauca region, during the ix and xiv centuries a. d., through to the stable isotope ratio analysis of c and n (¦Ä13c and ¦Ä15n). the results obtained show the importance of food resources available in the region as well as differences and similarities in the use and consumption of food types among the sites. %K paleodiet %K stable isotopes %K middle cauca %K late quimbaya. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0486-65252012000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en