%0 Journal Article %T LIDERAZGOS Y ORGANIZACIONES SOCIOPOL¨ªTICAS IND¨ªGENAS EN PAMPA Y PATAGONIA NORTE DURANTE EL SIGLO XVIII. UNA RECONSTRUCCI¨®N A PARTIR DE LOS V¨ªNCULOS INTER¨¦TNICOS EN LA FRONTERA DE BUENOS AIRES %A CARL¨®N %A FLORENCIA %J Revista Colombiana de Antropolog¨ªa %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in this paper we analyze the interethnic relations forged in the southern border of buenos aires, focusing on the actions of the indigenous "chiefs". we propose the xviiith century as a time of "leadership" and "chiefdoms" emergency among independent indigenous people of pampas and northern patagonia. we researched in the archivo general de la naci¨®n argentina, "division colonia", in "comandancia de fronteras" source. it functioned in the xviiith century, since the creation of defensive emplacements to protect buenos aires of the independent natives. we analyze the correspondence between border military authorities and the governor (and since 1776 the viceroy), and the diaries of explorers and missionaries of the period and we reconstruct some of the different kinds of leadership in the region. %K leadership %K chiefdoms %K pampa %K patagonia %K buenos aires frontier %K xviiith century. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0486-65252010000200009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en