%0 Journal Article %T Efeitos da estimula£¿£¿o diafragm¨¢tica transcutanea sincronizada em pacientes com doen£¿a pulmonar obstrutiva cr£¿nica (DPOC): um estudo piloto %A Nohama %A Percy %A Jorge %A Rafaela Fernanda %A Valenga %A Marcelo Henrique %J Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Biom¨¦dica %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4322/rbeb.2012.018 %X the research described in this paper has the goal of evaluating the effects of transcutaneous diaphragmatic synchronized pacing in patients with copd. in order to achieve the experimental protocol, it has been developed a system for electrical stimulation triggered by the respiratory signal obtained from the temperature variations during inspiration and expiration events, using two ntc thermistors coupled inside and outside of a respirator mask. it was studied six volunteers with copd, of both sexes, aged between 56 to 71 years, who were submitted to 10 sessions of 20 minutes. the stimulatory parameters were set to: active phase of the pulse of 90 ¦Ìs, and inactive phase of 400 ¦Ìs, generated at regular intervals and modulated in bursts with active and inactive periods of 1470 ¦Ìs and 600 ¦Ìs, respectively; presenting trapezoidal envelope with rise time, fall time and plateau of 500 ms. all patients underwent an initial assessment including: test of respiratory muscle strength seen through the mip and mep tests, lung function test and application of sgrq quality of life questionnaire. after 10 sessions, there is an increasing inspiratory muscle strength in all patients, where mip has an average increase of 66.67 ¡À 12.11 cmh2o to 91.67 ¡À 25.03 cmh2o, mep from 92.50 ¡À 10.84 cmh2o to 116.67 ¡À 8.16 cmh2o, and also observed a better quality of life in the symptom domain of 49.10 ¡À 19.40 to 28.60 ¡À 25.20, in the activity domain of 83.40 ¡À 12.50 to 67.57 ¡À 18.80, and in the impact domain of 54.10 ¡À 11.34 to 38.00 ¡À 27.07 and total score of 65.50 ¡À 7.60 to 44.47 ¡À 22.31. therefore, we concluded that the transcutaneous diaphragmatic synchronized pacing can promote positive outcomes in patients with copd. %K transcutaneous diaphragmatic synchronized pacing %K neuromuscular electrical stimulation %K electroventilation %K diaphragmatic dysfunction %K copd. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1517-31512012000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en