%0 Journal Article %T Modelo arquitetural para gera£¿£¿o de alertas aplicado ao monitoramento de pacientes em ambiente hospitalar %A Ara¨²jo %A Bruno Gomes de %A Valentim %A Ricardo Alexsandro de Medeiros %A Lacerda %A Jo£¿o Marcos Teixeira %A Carvalho %A Diego Rodrigues de %A Dantas %A Marcel da Camara Ribeiro %A Diniz J¨²nior %A Jos¨¦ %J Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Biom¨¦dica %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4322/rbeb.2012.022 %X the increase in demand for the management, control and monitoring of information in hospitals has promoted a greater volume of research that induces the process of technological innovation in healthcare. in this context, an important aspect to consider in the automation of patient monitoring is the efficiency to detect and report anomalies in patients' vital signs in a timely manner. the procedure for notifying the medical staff of these anomalies can be implemented by generating and sending alerts (either audible or visual). noting the relevance of this demand in the hospital environment, this paper describes an architecture based on the generation and transmission of alerts, whose data are coming from patients hospitalized in intensive care units (icu). the premise was therefore to optimize the procedure for reporting deficiencies so that the medical staff in charge is notified of such events more efficiently. the communication architecture in hospitals, used in this paper, was based on studies conducted at the icu of the university hospital onofre lopes (huol). these studies allowed an analysis of requirements that lead to the definition of a generator of custom alerts, and the sending of these alerts to mobile devices kept by medical staff. the process of sending those alerts was based on a real time scheduling algorithm making use of a middleware and both mobile and distributed computing, which are the innovative aspects of this architecture. %K hospital automation %K patient monitoring %K vital signs %K middleware %K mobile computing %K ubiquitous computing. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1517-31512012000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en