%0 Journal Article %T Valoraci¨®n m¨¦dico legal de la hipoacusia %A Vargas Sanabria %A Maikel %J Medicina Legal de Costa Rica %D 2012 %I Asociaci¨®n Costarricense de Medicina Forense %X the present article reviews basic aspects of the sound and the hearing process. it begins with the physical aspects of sound, and then the anatomical and physiological aspects of this process. the expert has to hand the elements necessary to carry out the clinical trials and send the supplementary examinations as it deems appropriate according to your criteria for an adequate assessment of the hearing loss of occupational origin or secondary to a frame %K hearing loss %K occupational diseases %K hearing %K sound %K anatomy %K physiology %K audiometry %K medico-legal assessment %K working capacity %K evaluation of body harm. %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1409-00152012000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en