%0 Journal Article %T Hoja de ruta de los cuidados cl¨ªnicos para la pancreatitis aguda: recomendaciones para el manejo anticipado multidisciplinar (clinical pathways) %A Marav¨ª Poma %A E. %A Laplaza Santos %A C. %A Gorraiz L¨®pez %A B. %A Albeniz Arbizu %A E. %A Zubia Olascoaga %A F. %A Petrov %A M.S. %A Morales %A F.A. %A Aizcorbe Garralda %A M. %A Casi Villaroya %A M. %A S¨¢nchez-Izquierdo Riera %A J.A. %A L¨®pez Camps %A V. %A Regidor Sanz %A E. %A Loinaz Bordonabe %A M. %A Pico %A J.L. do %A %J Medicina Intensiva %D 2012 %I Ediciones Doyma, S.L. %X there is a growing body of evidence that early management of patients with acute pancreatitis may alter the natural course of disease and improve outcomes of patients. the aim of this paper is to optimize the management of patients with acute pancreatitis during the first 72h after hospital admission by proposing several clinical care pathways. the proposed pathways are based on the semicyuc 2005 recommendations with incorporation of the latest developments in the field, particularly the determinants-based classification of acute pancreatitis severity. the pathways also incorporate the "alarm signs", the use of therapeutic modalities known as pancreas, and the "call to icu" criteria. further studies will need to assess whether the adoption of these pathway reduces mortality and morbidity in patients with acute pancreatitis. the previous semicyuc guidelines on management of patients with acute pancreatitis in intensive care will need to be revised to reflect the recent developments in the field. %K pathways %K pancreatitis %K classification of acute pancreatitis %K potentially serious acute pancreatitis %K algorithms in pancreatitis %K pancreatic warming signs. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0210-56912012000500007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en