%0 Journal Article %T Correlaci¨®n del grosor ecogr¨¢fico vesical con los datos cl¨ªnicos y urodin¨¢micos en la hiperplasia benigna de pr¨®stata (HBP) sintom¨¢tica %A Salinas Casado %A Jes¨²s %A M¨¦ndez Rubio %A Santiago %A Campanario P¨¦rez %A F. %A Virseda Chamorro %A Miguel %A Mart¨ªnez Urzay %A Germ¨¢n %A Pelaquim %A Humberto %A Silmi Moyano %A ¨¢ngel %J Archivos Espa£¿oles de Urolog¨ªa (Ed. impresa) %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4321/S0004-06142010000600005 %X objectives: our objective is to verify the diagnostic usefulness of ultrasound measurement of the thickness of the bladder wall, and the correlation with clinical/ urodynamic findings in patients with symptomatic bph. methods: we performed a prospective cross-sectional study (cross-sectional study) in a series of 74 males (age x= 72.4 s = 7.1 (56-84 years) with symptomatic bph. patients completed the ipss and determined the plasma level of psat (ng/ml). before performing the urodynamic study, was determined by transabdominal ultrasonography (3.5 mhz transducer): prostate volume (cc) by the ellipsoid formula, and bladder wall thickness (mm) measured on theanterior bladder wall. statistical analysis was performed using anova, the pearson correlation, and roc curve. results: it was a significant correlation of the sonographic thickness of the bladder wall with the ipss (p = 0001, r = 0.38) (parameter in turn highly correlated with prostate volume and psa (p = 0.01, r = 0.62)), as well as the detrusor hyperactivity (p = 0.03, r = 0.21), cut off roc curve: 3.85 mm. instead, it was not shown a significant correlation between the sonographic thickness of the bladder wall and the urodynamic diagnosis of obstruction (abrams and number griffths p = 0223, r = 0.14) or the detrusor contractile power, measured in power at peak flow (pw) (p = 0642 r =- 0.55), nor with age (p = 0303, r = 0.12). neither correlation was observed with other non-invasive urodynamic measures (the maximum urinary flow flowmetry (p = 0318, r = 0.12) and percentage postmicturition residual (p = 0696, r = 0.05)). conclusions: the ultrasound measurement of bladder wall thickness, although it has not proved useful ness in our series in the diagnosis of the voiding phase (lower urinary tract obstruction and detrusor contractility impairment), on the contrary it can be introduced as a diagnostic technique for non-invasive studies in the alterations of the filling phase, in the form of detrusor hyperactivity in %K bph %K ultrasound %K detrusor hyperactivity %K lower urinary tract obstruction. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0004-06142010000600005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en