%0 Journal Article %T El mostrador de admisi¨®n: DiseŁżo del mostrador para las ¨˘reas de admisi¨®n en la Unidad de Atenci¨®n al Cliente (UAC) %A Blanquer Gregori %A J. J. %A Alonso Gallegos %A A. %A Larnia S¨˘nchez %A A. %A Soriano Clemor %A C. %A Fluixa Sendra %A X. %A OrtuŁżo L¨®pez %A J. L. %J Medifam %D 2003 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4321/S1131-57682003000200006 %X the admission desk is the place where the image of the health care centre is reflected. nevertheless, its design and setup has been, in the majority of health care centres, wrongly directed. the colour, the signs, the structure, the uniformity, the cleanliness, the information, etc..., define the combining of all the conditions that to the eyes of the patient, make a pleasant and acceptable image of what the sanitary system can offer, or on the contrary, of what generates a bad image. as a result of the analysis carried out from the reconstruction and construction of four admission desks in our health care area, area 18 of alicante. the purpose of this article is to narrate how to design this admission areas. the "front desk" is the spot where all the fundamental activity is produced in the departments of customer service, and must be designed to simplify the task of the professionals who work within it, and as well as allow the maximum convenience and features for the sanitary users. %K patient admission %K computers %K primary health care. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1131-57682003000200006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en