%0 Journal Article %T Actitud diagn¨®stica y terap¨¦utica ante el paciente que acude con hemoptisis %A Cort¨¦s Sancho %A R. %A Coss¨ªo San J¨®s¨¦ %A P. %A Mi£¿ambres Alija %A E. %A Rodr¨ªguez Pascual %A J. M. %A Puyo Gil %A M. %J Medifam %D 2003 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4321/S1131-57682003000400004 %X hemoptysis is a symptom that needs an exhaustive study because it can be secondary to a critical disease and/or give rise to a fatal hemorrhage or even an asphyxia syndrome. for these reasons we have to evaluate and confirm as soon as possible the importance of the disease in charge, to localize the injury and to decide the best treatment, because the clinical course is umpredictable. the aim of this paper is review the manegement of this symptom as well as to stablish a pattern that allows to coordinate primary health care and respiratory medicine. %K hemoptysis %K etiology %K diagnosis %K manegement. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1131-57682003000400004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en