%0 Journal Article %T Epidemia de infuenza del a£¿o 2009 en un hospital pedi¨¢trico y costos m¨¦dicos directos en menores de 5 a£¿os comparados con el per¨ªodo 2006-2008 %A Giglio %A Norberto D %A Castellano %A Vanesa E %A R¨¹ttimann %A Ricardo W %A Vidal %A Gabriela I %A Gentile %A ¨¢ngela %J Archivos argentinos de pediatr£¿-a %D 2012 %I Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria %R 10.5546/aap.2012.19 %X introduction. epidemic outbreaks of infuenza occur every year and healthcare systems must amplify their response in accordance with available medical resources. this situation generates cost increases. during the recent infuenza a pandemic, costs were likely to have been greater than in previous years. objective. to estimate direct health costs of infuenza-related illness during 2009 compared to costs expended in the previous 3-year period at ricardo guti¨¦rrez children's hospital, city of buenos aires, argentina. materials and methods. we conducted a cross-sectional epidemiological study with retrospective control group to estimate infuenza-related costs for the years 2006 to 2009 using data from outpatient consultations and hospital admissions for acute respiratory infections attributable to infuenza virus in children under 5 years old. incremental costs were estimated for the year 2009 compared to average costs for the period 2006-2008. results. total incremental cost of hospital admissions and outpatient consultations for infuenza was us$ 91512 for the year 2009 compared to average cost for 2006-2008 period (incremental cost of us$ 147560 for hospital admissions and us$ -56048 for outpatient consultations). conclusions. infuenza-related costs were greater in 2009 than in previous years due to higher number of hospital admissions attributable to infuenza a h1n1. %K infuenza a virus h1n1 subtype %K health care costs. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0325-00752012000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en