%0 Journal Article %T Participaci¨®n de m¨¦dicos residentes de un hospital pedi¨¢trico en las actividades cient¨ªficas y de formaci¨®n de la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatr¨ªa %A Davenport %A Mar¨ªa Carolina %A Dom¨ªnguez %A Paula Alejandra %A Martins %A Andrea Elizabeth %J Archivos argentinos de pediatr£¿-a %D 2012 %I Sociedad Argentina de Pediatria %R 10.5546/aap.2012.155 %X the sociedad argentina de pediatr¨ªa, sap (argentine society of pediatrics) offers courses and scientific activities for pediatricians and residents. we evaluated the participation of pedro de elizalde hospital residents in the scientific and training activities of sap and assessed the trend of participation throughout the residency; 107 residents were surveyed; 48% were members, and the participation increased significantly throughout the residence (p <0.01). none of the surveyed residents were part of any association; 84% did not know the "pediatricians in training group"; 49% participated in continued training programs, with a growing tendency to participation through-out the residency (p <0.01); 80% considered that the sap is a friendly entity. we concluded that participation of residents in the sap is scarce during the frst two years of training, and that it shows a growth in the senior residents' group. encouraging the interest of frst and second year residents in the activities is necessary. %K scientific societies %K residency %K membership. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0325-00752012000200013&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en