%0 Journal Article %T Diferencias morfol¨®gicas y status taxon¨®mico de las especies simp¨¢tricas Liolaemus coeruleus y Liolaemus neuquensis (Reptilia: Iguania: Liolaemidae) %A Scolaro %A Jos¨¦ A. %A Videla %A F. %A Puig %A S. %A Marcus %A A. %J Multequina %D 2007 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X two simpatric species of lizards (liolaemus coeruleus and liolaemus neuquensis) are analyzed, with the aim to identify morphometric and meristic variables for their diferenciation. individuals recently collected of each species were analyzed (n= 28 and n= 26, respectively), and also individuals from collections. data from holotype and paratypes were obtained from the original description. electronic caliper was used for measure morphologic characters standardized in herpetology, and stereomicroscope for observation and counting scales. some significant differences between species were detected by discriminant analysis and student t test. l. neuquensis diferred from l. coeruleus by higher number of scales around mid-body (variable selected by discriminant analysis), lower ventral melanism and shorter forelimbs (concordant with the original description). besides, males showed lower body size in l. neuquensis. both sexes difered by the color and dorsal black spots arrangement. the external chromatism, evident in males and in the head of females, stands out as main difference among species. some differences were observed in the second postmental scales. the similarity of severals morphologic variables shows the nearest phylogenetic relationship between species. this study clarifies the chromatic patterns of both species, stands out as discriminant character the scales counting around mid-body, and specifies the respective ranks. %K patagonian reptiles %K copahue %K taxonomy %K liolaemus neuquensis %K liolaemus coeruleus. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-73292007000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en