%0 Journal Article %T Contaminaci¨®n en un sitio urbano de la ciudad de La Rioja, Argentina: An¨¢lisis de riesgo %A Mamani %A M. %A Huespe %A J. %A Moreno Ravelli %A R. %A Dematte %A R. %J Multequina %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in la rioja city there is a site for final disposal of liquid effluents discharged by industries, mainly textile factories, called laguna azul. it covers an area of 2.8 ha, with a maximum depth of 6 m, and a hydraulic load that contributes to infiltration of the liquid into the subsurface. for studying the physical and chemical parameters of the liquid, a mechanical device was designed that allows the automatic extraction of samples from different depths. results showed that the ph value decreased from 9.81 on the ground surface to 9.24 at 4 m depth. measured conductivity was 12 ms/cm, increasing to 13.4 ms/cm for the same depth. presence of cd and cr, phenol and formaldehyde was detected as well. %K artificial lake %K heavy metals %K wastewater. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-73292010000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en