%0 Journal Article %T Mapa de vegetaci¨Žn de la Isla de los Estados %A Llavallol %A Carolina I. %A Cellini %A J. M. %J Multequina %D 2007 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X knowledge on biodiversity has been acquired parallel to the modification of the environment so that the sites on which more information is available are those which have simultaneously had more anthropogenic disturbances. isla de los estados, a reserve in tierra del fuego province, has suffered few changes due to the difficulties in reaching it and the hostility of its environment. however the possibilities to actualise its tourist potential are ever closer as the demand for pristine places increases and the authorities have before them an uncommon opportunity to sanction a management plan for the area before the area is used. the first step in the preparation of such a management plan is knowledge of the area and with this end in view it was decided to draw the vegetation map for the island. the map was done using etm+ landsat 7 images, aerial photographs and superimposing data from the srtm sensor. the areas were classified and the species distribution described according to the information of different authors. isla de los estados has ten different environments, a low proportion of endemic species in relation to other oceanic islands and a very low proportion of exotic species. the data produced must be verified in the field to allow the delimitation of areas of use and the planning of actions according to conservation criteria. %K biodiversity %K conservation %K vegetation units. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-73292007000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en