%0 Journal Article %T Variaciones del clima terrestre y rayos c¨®smicos gal¨¢cticos durante el ciclo solar de 11 a£¿os: Revisi¨®n te¨®rica %A Agosta %A Eduardo Andr¨¦s %J Meteorologica %D 2004 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in recent years, a number of studies are concerned on the relationship between the earth climate and the galactic cosmic rays (gcrs). a variety of results are found and some are controversial. theoretical advance seems to be reached through two main candidate theories: the ion-mediated nucleation (imn) and the electro-scavenging. in both theories, the main role of gcrs is ionization in the atmosphere. the imn theory prescribes changes in microphysical properties of cloud and concomitant changes in the global low cloud cover. the electro-scavenging adds to the before, changes in the cloud dynamics that, in a larger scale, produce modifications in the atmospheric circulation. some observational evidences support the theories along the 11-year solar cycle. nonetheless, due to the complexity of the climate system, some other potential mechanisms appear to be essential too, as the interaction between stratosphere and troposphere through the uv-ozone relationship. in turn, long term tendencies of the gcrs flux, that would be associated to the global warming, suggest incorporating another variable to be evaluated in the global change issue. %K climate variability %K cosmic rays %K solar cycle %K temperature. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1850-468X2004000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en