%0 Journal Article %T Circulaci¨®n atmosf¨¦rica asociada a los casos de aparici¨®n de esporas de Roya de la soja en Paran¨¢, Argentina %A De Ruyver %A Roberto %A de Souza %A Juan %A Bischoff %A Susana A. %A Formento %A Norma %J Meteorologica %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X soybean rust is the most relevant disease that causes significant soybean yield losses in some regions of the world. soybean rust was detected for the first time in argentina in 2002. nowadays, 18 million ha are cultivated with soybean in argentina. the first step to provide an early warning of the disease is to know the atmospheric circulation associated to the appearance of phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores. data from spore samplers trap at inta parana station (60¡ã31¡äw; 31¡ã50¡äs) was used. the day in which spores were captured from the trap were considered as day zero. daily mean circulation maps at 1000 hpa were studied to find the best correlated days for zero days and the three previous ones. mean maps were obtained between the best correlated days. the results showed an atmospheric circulation pattern from the northeast. this result strongly suggests that spores arrived from southern brazil. %K soybean rust %K atmospheric circulation %K spores. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1850-468X2011000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en