%0 Journal Article %T Efeitos do treinamento funcional com cargas sobre a composi£¿£¿o corporal: Um estudo experimental em mulheres fisicamente inativas %A Pereira %A P.C. %A Medeiros %A R.D. %A Santos %A A.A. %A Oliveira %A L.S. %A Aniceto %A R.R. %A J¨²nior %A A.A. %A Nascimento %A J.A. %A Sousa %A M.S. %J Motricidade %D 2012 %I Funda??o T¨¦cnica e Cient¨ªfica do Desporto %X this study aimed to analyze the effects of the functional strength training (fst) on body composition of physically inactive women. twenty women aged between 19 and 34 years old (25.70 ¡À 4.20 yr.) were randomly assigned to experimental (eg, n = 10) and control group (cg, n = 10). the eg performed 12 weeks of fst, while cg did not receive any intervention. the anthropometric variables evaluated in both groups were: body mass (bm), height, body mass index (bmi), absolute fat mass (afm), lean body mass (lbm) and fat percent (%f). the paired and independent samples t tests were used to identify modifications between and within experimental and control groups (p < .05). the eg decreased %f values (p < .001), while cg increased the lbm (p < .001), bmi (p < .001) and bm (p = .021). results showed that after 12 weeks fst can be useful to reduce body fat mass, but it doesn¡¯t promote increases on lbm of physically inactive women. %K functional training %K body composition %K women %K experimental study. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1646-107X2012000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en