%0 Journal Article %T Doctor Ram車n Luis Miranda Torres, su relaci車n con las neurociencias %A Hodel赤n Tablada %A Ricardo %J Archivos de neurociencias (M谷xico, D.F.) %D 2005 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in order to make patent the relation between dr. ram車n luis miranda and neuroscience we made this presentation.well know in history due to the fact that was the doctor of jose marti, dr. ram車n luis miranda torres had other very important activities not well known.he was born in matanzas cuba, studied medicine in france and from the begining was interested in neurology and published some papers about cranial tumors and trigeminal sections. his doctoral tesis was about the iii craneal nerve and in havana about anestesia and pain. he also wrote about brain concusi車n, intoxication by fish saguato, vertigo cephalea, trepanation, insomnia etc. he must be considered a for runner of neuroscience in cuba. %K ram車n l. miranda torres %K neurociences %K contributions and relation with jose marti. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-47052005000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en