%0 Journal Article %T Aspectos psicosociales de la epilepsia %A Figueroa Duarte %A Ana Silvia %A Campell Araujo %A ¨®scar Alberto %J Archivos de neurociencias (M¨¦xico, D.F.) %D 2004 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X epilepsy (e) is a farreaching disorder to confront the humanity. affects approximatly 2-4% of general population. undoubtedly in diagnosis and treatment there are a lot of reaserch, even so technology of point, but is neccessary more progress predominantly in patients with e, that are not well control, ed and require more investigations in new medications and new neurosurgical strategies. moreover, there is an area, that is out exploration, whith are a serial of obstacles to conquer, like psicosocial aspects of e, that is the interaction of patient withd society. likewise,in this review, we highlight to need to increase education programs for patients and society, about e, and to know what kind of effects we can to observe in future in this people. specilficaly we can to say, that attention to e, is approached in two areas, clinic, which the have a major progress, and psycosocial, in this is not a good advance, but is very important to pay attention. in this paper, in addition some historics and clinics are reviewed, and we to highlight the psicosocial factors, and the relevance that plays our society in this problem. %K psicosocials apsects and epilepsy %K live with epilepsy %K social discrimination and epilepsy %K society. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-47052004000900004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en