%0 Journal Article %T Formas po¨¦ticas y tem¨¢tica del joropo central venezolano %A Pe£¿a Torres %A Juan %A Torrealba M %A Carlos E %J Argos %D 2011 %I Universidad Sim¨®n Bol¨ªvar %X venezuelan central joropo poetic forms and themes based on recordings, publications and interviews is presented. the most commonly poetic form is the copla (stanza of four verses), followed by the d¨¦cima (spanish stanza of ten verses of eight syllables) and the corrido (romance), which seems to be disappearing. themes are quite numerous: humor, poverty, death, aging, sicknesses, inflation, liqueur and magical-religious cults are still being written about as well as love, which has had a rising number of compositions since the 1980s. among the disappearing themes, animals and fables are the most important ones. this vanishing mirrors the rural-urban population transformation during the last decades. politics, a theme that used to be only tangentially written about has turned into a frequent topic nowadays. %K joropo central %K poetic forms %K poetic topics %K d¨¦cima %K copla. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0254-16372011000100011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en