%0 Journal Article %T Favorable effects of pyridoxine and folic acid supplementation of shr-sp %A Perez %A SC %A Vianna %A LM %J Archivos de neurociencias (M¨¦xico, D.F.) %D 2005 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X homocysteine has been associated to the stroke, which enhances the interest for the investigation about the role of vitamins involved on its metabolism. stroke prone rats were treated by pyridoxine and folic acid at doses correspondent to five, ten and twenty times their nutritional needs. the systolic blood pressure and general parameters were analyzed and compared to control group. the doses correspondents to 10 and 20 times rda promoted a hypotensive effect, but doses correspondents to 5 times, did not. the treated animals at 190 days of age presented a significant reduction of systolic blood pressure: 204 ¡À 3mmhg when compared to control group: 230 ¡À 5mmhg. at seven months of age the animals under treatment did not present signs of stroke naturally detected in that linkage. our results suggest that vitamins b6 and b9 could be beneficial for preventive therapy of stroke. %K shrsp %K stroke %K folic acid %K pyridoxine. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-47052005000300005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en