%0 Journal Article %T Trastornos neuropsiqui¨¢tricos en pacientes con encefalitis viral %A Manterola-Cornejo %A SO %A Soto-Hern¨¢ndez %A JL %A Campillo %A C %A Col¨ªn %A R %A L¨®pez-Meza %A E %A Ram¨ªrez-Berm¨²dez %A J %J Archivos de neurociencias (M¨¦xico, D.F.) %D 2005 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X background: there is a lack of information regarding viral encephalitides in neuropsychiatry and psychiatry textbooks, even when this infectious problem frequently produces disturbances of mental state. objectives: the main purpose of the present article is to describe the psychiatric manifestations of viral encephalitides, according to medical literature. methods: asystematic search of literature was done with the use of ovid program, through several databases: medline, embase, acp journal club, best evidence y cochrane. results and conclusions: there are reports of delirium and psychosis in the acute phase of the viral infection, and the development of cognitive decline (le. amnesia) at the posinfectious period. other syndromes, like cataton¨ªa, anxiety, and depression, have also been reported, although with less frequency. often, viral encephalitides can produce acute mental disturbances with minimal physical or neurological signs, so there is a possibility of this diagnosis. %K encephalitis %K psychiatric disorders %K diagnosis %K psicosis. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-47052005000400006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en