%0 Journal Article %T Microanatom¨ªa de la regi¨®n selar y paraclinoidea en espec¨ªmenes mexicanos %A Garc¨ªa-Pastor %A Cuauht¨¦moc %A Moreno-Jim¨¦nez %A Sergio %A G¨®mez-Llata Andrade %A Sergio %J Archivos de neurociencias (M¨¦xico, D.F.) %D 2005 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X objective: to describe main anatomic landmarks of the sellar and paraclinoid region, including their osseous, dural and vascular structures, also the main craneometric measures. methods: we studied 35 human specimens, 25 of them dry craniums and 10 wet specimen with dural sheets, vascular and neural elements. the description was made under magnification through a surgical microscope. results: tubercullum sellae configuration was an osseous rod in 54.3%; in 51.4% of the specimens middle clinoid processes were found, and in 25.7% foramen carotid clinoid; in 5.7% of them interclinoid osseous bridge was found. average supraorbitarium-tubercullar distance was 51.2mm; and for pterion-tubercullar distance was 52.4 mm. also presented are sellar measures, getting as average volume 743 mm3. in all our specimens the ophthalmic artery emerged from the ophthalmic segment of the internal carotid artery. in all specimens were also observed both carotid rings both proximal and distal, and in 70% of them carotid cavum was observed. apart from these, anterior, posterior and basilar intracavemous sinuses are described. conclusions: tubercullum sellar configuration had not been reported before, and inmost of the cases there is no presence of tubercullum as such. craneometric measures are inresting due to the fact that they are comparable to those reported in other series. %K tubercullum sellar %K craneometric measures %K sella turcica %K intracavernous sinuses %K clinoid carotid. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-47052005000400003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en