%0 Journal Article %T Rinoscleroma %A Raymundo %A Igor Teixeira %A P¨¢dua %A Sharlene Castanheira %A Pinheiro %A Tha¨ªs Gon£¿alves %A Azevedo %A Ana Em¨ªlia Borges de %A Nakanishi %A M¨¢rcio %A Oliveira %A Carlos Augusto Costa Pires de %J Arquivos Internacionais de Otorrinolaringologia %D 2011 %I Funda??o Otorrinolaringologia %R 10.1590/S1809-48722011000400019 %X introduction: rhinoscleroma is a chronic granulomatous infectious disease, caused by the bacterium klebsiella rhinoscleromatis. affects the respiratory tract mucosa, more frequent in the nose. is considered endemic in certain regions like africa and central america, but is rare in brazil. the nasal involvement occurs in 3 phases: catarrhal, granulomatous and sclerotic stage. in all its course the disease presents nonspecific symptoms, and because of that, the difficulty of being diagnosed. its diagnosis is established by culture or by the meeting of mikulicz cell or russel corpuscles in the anatomopathological study. the treatment consists in a long-term antibiotic, associated or not to a surgery. objective: this report aims ilustrate a case of rhinoscleroma in a female young patient complaining of bilateral nasal obstruction, long standing and headache. the intent is alert the otorhinolaringologists in diagnosing this rare disease, which presents itself with nonspecific symptoms as like numerous pathologies that affect the nasal region. %K rhinoscleroma %K klebsiella infections %K nasal acquired rhinoscleroma. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1809-48722011000400019&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en