%0 Journal Article %T Idade no diagn¨®stico e no in¨ªcio da interven£¿£¿o de crian£¿as deficientes auditivas em um servi£¿o p¨²blico de sa¨²de auditiva brasileiro %A Pinto %A Meliane Melina %A Raimundo %A Jeziela Cristina %A Samelli %A Alessandra Giannella %A Carvalho %A Ana Claudia Martinho de %A Matas %A Carla Gentile %A Ferrari %A Gisele Munhoes dos Santos %A Garbi %A S¨¦rgio %A Gandara %A Mara %A Bento %A Ricardo Ferreira %J Arquivos Internacionais de Otorrinolaringologia %D 2012 %I Funda??o Otorrinolaringologia %R 10.7162/S1809-48722012000100006 %X introduction: the earlier the diagnosis and the intervention from the hearing impairment less will be the impact for the development of cognitive abilities, hearing and of speech from the child. objective: characterize the age in the diagnosis and the beginning of intervention of the hearing loss and the accompaniment of the assisted children in a public brazillian hearing health service - espa£¿o reouvir from the clinicas hospital from the medical school from the university of s£¿o paulo. method: retrospective study with information from 166 medical records from children regarding the: gender; etiology, type, degree and laterality of the hearing impairment; age in the diagnosis and adaptation of the hearing aids (ha) and accompaniment in the service. results: the sample was composed by 56% men and 44% women. the prevailing etiology was from multifactorial origin. the hearing loss from the neurosensory type occurred in 88,6% of the cases. the degree of moderate hearing loss was the most frequent (30,7%), symmetry in both ears was found in 69,9% of the cases and unilateral hearing loss in 2,4%. the average age in the diagnosis was of 5,46 years and in the intervention was of 6,86 years. a total of 96,98% of children had already completed the process of adaptation and 78,32% still remained in the accompaniment. conclusion: the program reouvir-hcfmusp still receives children, both for diagnosis and or intervention in a late manner. however, still is possible the realization of the accompaniment of a significant number of users of the hearing aids, enabling a process of adaptation more effective. %K hearing %K auxiliary of hearing %K children %K hearing loss. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1809-48722012000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en