%0 Journal Article %T Compet¨ºncias docentes como antecedentes da avalia£¿£¿o de desempenho do professor: percep£¿£¿o de mestrandos de administra£¿£¿o %A Grohmann %A M¨¢rcia Zampieri %A Ramos %A M¨¢rcio Sampedro %J Avalia£¿£¿o: Revista da Avalia£¿£¿o da Educa£¿£¿o Superior (Campinas) %D 2012 %I Universidade de Sorocaba %R 10.1590/S1414-40772012000100004 %X this paper proposes to evaluate teaching competence (class behavior, methodology and knowledge, relationship, evaluation and usefulness) trough mba students' perceptions and their causal relations with teaching evaluation. in a research with 99 responses it was observed that the teachers evaluation was good with average score higher than 2.50 (middle of scale). the average was: classes' behavior - 4.07, methodology and knowledge - 3.92, relationship - 3.70, evaluation and usefulness - 3.74. causal relations were found in: methodology and knowledge vs. evaluation (¦Â= 68.5%), evaluation and usefulness vs. evaluation (¦Â= 23.5%), classes' behavior vs. evaluation (¦Â= 13.4%), methodology and knowledge vs. total average (¦Â= 52.1%), evaluation and usefulness vs. total average (¦Â= 21.45%). these results prove that methodology/knowledge and evaluation/usefulness are the most important antecedents of teachers' evaluation. %K teaching competence %K teaching evaluation %K causal relation. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1414-40772012000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en