%0 Journal Article %T Artritis infecciosa y su relaci¨®n con la articulaci¨®n temporomandibular %A Iturriaga Wilder %A V. %A Bornhardt Suazo %A T. %A Fuentes Nawrath %A J. %A Fuentes Fern¨¢ndez %A R. %A Raposo Castillo %A A. %J Avances en Odontoestomatolog¨ªa %D 2012 %I Ediciones Avances M¨¦dico Dentales, S.L. %R 10.4321/S0213-12852012000100004 %X infectious arthritis (ia) is, as its name implies, infection of a joint in the body caused by an agent that can be bacterial, viral or fungal (bluestone, 1980, garcia & picazo, 1996). this condition is uncommon and poorly documented when it affects the temporomandibular joint (tmj), and there are only case reports. due to this is often unnoticed by other professionals in the field of health. the diagnosis of radiologically ia does not provide much information at early stages of pathology (lavy, 2007, visser & tupper, 2009). a diagnostic method used in large joints of the body is the cultivation of synovial fluid (lavy, visser & tupper), perform complex examination of the tmj given its size and small amount of synovial fluid, making it the diagnosis of ia largely clinically, and in the case of tmj more importantly the expertise and clinical knowledge. the treatment should be based on the elimination of the agent through pharmacotherapy aimed at the elimination of it (lavy, visser & tupper). infectious arthritis due to its characteristics of fast-forward, aggressive and degenerative, should be considered as a possible diagnosis in the tmj, so this literature review provides completed information on the epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis and treatment of this pathology exists in different databases and contemporary literature. %K temporomandibular joint %K temporomandibular joint disorders %K arthritis infectious %K arthritis reactive. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0213-12852012000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en